I would consider myself a very spiritual person. Growing up I always felt a bit disconnected from others because I really craved discussing the bigger themes of life. Why are we here? What are we meant to do? Are we born knowing what it is we’re supposed to do or is it all about learning trial and error to see what sticks with you? Not exactly the questions every 11 year old is thinking about.
Eventually I stopped asking myself those questions (due to school, work, life) and felt a little lost. Even now as I’m returning back to my spiritual journey I sometimes feel bad for not doing enough! I don’t spend enough time studying astrology, connecting with my intuition, or reading my tarot cards. If you’re feeling like this, regardless of what you may believe, I’m here to tell you to TAKE A DEEP BREATH!! It’s all going to be okay and you’re exactly where you need to be. Our spiritual journey is exactly that, a journey, and will never be a steady climb to the top. You have peaks and you have lows. That’s okay and that is our human experience.
The reason I’m bringing all of this up is because today I would like to talk about Human Design! It’s the next step on my spiritual journey. I learned about Human Design quite recently and have never resonated and learned something with such ease when it came to my spiritual research! So let’s talk about it! I’m excited and encourage you to have an open mind. This might be something that works for you or it may not– either reaction is okay!!
What is Human Design?
“Human Design combines astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah and Vedic philosophy, centering around the division of personalities into five energy types to indicate how someone is supposed to exchange energy with the world. In Human Design analysis, planets are displayed in a type of horoscope called a bodygraph. The body graph shows the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching at various locations on the body. It is sometimes shown within a mandala, overlaid on the 12 signs of the zodiac.”
I used the wikipedia definition of Human Design just to get the basics of it out of the way! The “energy types” within the definition are also referred to as “Aura Types”! Each aura type has a Strategy and Not Self Theme! Think of your Strategy as the way you create and attract aligned opportunities into your life.
I need to mention Authority before I talk about the Not-Self theme so it all can make a little more sense! Your Authority is personal to you, each aura type has multiple authorities and you have only one of them, for example I am a Generator and most G’s have a Sacral Authority but I have an Emotional Authority! Authority is how you make decisions for the opportunities you created and attracted into your life!
The Not Self Theme is what we may be feeling when we aren’t making decisions that align with our Strategy and Authority! For example, as a Generator my Not Self theme is frustration so when I’m not making decisions based on my Strategy and Authority I feel super stuck, frustrated, and stagnant in life. When I make decisions based on my Strategy and Authority I am deeply satisfied!
Strategy is used to create and attract opportunities that align with you and your life.
Authority is how we make aligned decisions when it comes to those opportunities we created/attracted.
Not Self Theme is what we feel when we aren’t making decisions based on our S/A.
The Aura Types
Below I will list the 5*Aura types as well as their Strategy and Not Self theme! This is going to be a very brief overview so I will link some resources in my next section where you can read more about them and create your own Human Design chart!
Generator/Manifesting Generator
Strategy: Wait To Respond
Not Self Theme: Frustration
Note: Many people consider Manifesting Generators as another aura type but they are still Generators and have the same strategy and not self them!*
Strategy: Wait For The Lunar Cycle (about 28 days)
Not Self Theme: Disappointment
Strategy: Wait For Invitation
Not Self Theme: Bitterness
Strategy: Inform and Initiate
Not Self Theme: Anger
My favorite Human Design Resources!
PureGenerators: https://www.puregenerators.com/blog
Jenigage: https://jenigage.com/human-design
Jovian Archive: https://www.jovianarchive.com/
Interior Creature: https://www.interiorcreature.com/new-to-human-design-gene-keys
Youtube Channels
Tarot by Bronx: https://www.youtube.com/@TarotByBronx/videos
Human Design with Ebony: https://www.youtube.com/@humandesignwithebony/videos
The Human Design Academy: https://www.youtube.com/@thehumandesignacademy/videos
Richard Beaumont: https://www.youtube.com/@humandesigninfo/videos
Twitter Users (Love seeing Human Design Tweets in my daily feed!)
Jade: https://twitter.com/iJaadee (super helpful resources pinned to profile!)
Cole: https://twitter.com/withlovecole
Cat: https://twitter.com/catfitztv
Rachel: https://twitter.com/puregenerators (creator/owner of puregenerators blog!)
Aycee: https://twitter.com/AyceeB
Definitely take time to go through the resources I listed above and see what pulls you in! The information provided in my blog post is very much the basics and there is so much more to learn about Human Design! There are many layers to this so don’t feel overwhelmed and take it bit by bit! The blogs, writers, and twitter users mentioned above have been super beginner friendly and really kickstarted my knowledge in Human Design!
I’m still new to my experiment with Human Design but I was so moved with it that I joined a community glow-up specifically for Generators hosted by the lovely Rachel! This is how awesome it has been for me! Using my Strategy and Authority everyday and genuinely becoming aware of them and watching how they bring real satisfaction into my life has been unbelievable. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows 24/7 but the majority of my time has been spent feeling more satisfied than I have in a very long time. I’m still growing and educating myself and I promise as I learn more I will share my resources and notes with you all!
Let me know if you’ve ever heard about Human Design and what you’re feeling after reading this blog post! Are you curious or is it not something for you? What’s your Aura Type? Are you a fellow Generator? Reflector? Let me know!
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